Windsor Ultimate kicks off its Summer 2011 Season

For those into Ultimate Frisbee, and local to the Windsor / Detroit area, should know that the Windsor Ultimate league is kicking off its Summer 2011 registration today.  Software written by me is being utilized as a platform to manage users, payments, and all that fun league stuff. This is the culmination of many hours of hard work and design to create a framework that enables collaboration utilizing pieces of the a3m openid architecture for…

Jailbreaking Apple TV2 with greenpois0n RC6, Easy as umm Apple pie…

I was very excited to notice that greenpois0n RC6 was released so that I could finally do an un-tethered jailbreak.  For those that don’t know the difference, a tethered jailbreak consists of having to attack the USB cable to your device on EVERY boot.  Which for the purpose of having a little Apple TV2 box under your tv, seemed well pointless.  I didn’t want to keep bringing my mac mini over to boot it.  So…

GreenPois0n RC6 To Bring Untethered 4.2.1 Jailbreak for Apple TV 2G

Phew! Finally an untethered version coming out hopefully today or tomorrow. My Apple TV2G has been wasting away just for youtube and movie previews. This will let me install XBMC and others for running content off my network 🙂 Owners of the 2nd generation Apple TV on iOS 4.2.1 will soon be able to jailbreak their devices, untethered thanks to the upcoming GreenPois0n RC6. Joshua Hill of the Chronic Dev Team confirmed it earlier today.…

Apple TV 2 for $79 dollars

Hey… psst! Want an Apple TV 2? No? Wait wait.. you can hack it you know.. anyway. If you are one of the few that has wondered if the Apple TV 2 was for you, wait no more, as you can buy the silly little black box used and save yourself about $20 bucks. I’m not really about pitching stuff on my blog, but I was excited to find (on ebay of all things),…

Why is it always the TOP 5% of people using the Net that ‘hog’ bandwidth?

I’m so sick and tired of articles always stating that companies are putting throttling into place due to the `5%` of user being bandwidth hogs. I mean if it is ONLY 5% how is that impacting 95% of users? This would imply that 5% of users could technically cut others off from using the internet either via mobile phones or now in Canada metered bandwidth from Bell Canada or Rogers, etc. Verizon is now doing…

Google adding Chrome Desktop Notification for Gmail

This is pretty interesting, I was in my gmail this morning, and noticed a message that I can enable desktop alerts just by using Google Chrome. Now you can get chat / email alerts without popping back and forth from your work to your gmail account. To activate the feature, go to your Gmail settings and activate desktop notifications. You can also customize it so you only receive Gmail or Gchat notifications, or only priority…

Coldfusion and checking if a variable is Defined

As I work with Coldfusion 9, I can’t help but keep comparing it to PHP, and I get annoyed by some of the small differences. One thing that I really have been getting annoyed with lately is checking if a variable is defined.  In most cases you could do a simple check, is it empty? However Coldfusion will puke all over itself if you do an isNull() check on a variable that is ‘not defined’.…