Webmojo.ca relaunched!

Woo, well I’m happy to announce that after slaving away on a few dark wintery nights, I have put enough time into building a new version for my consulting company — Webmojo.ca About Webmojo… Webmojo is a collaborative effort by skilled individuals, each with their own unique set of skills…

Need some icons for your next design? Grab Fugue Icons

Primarily I am a web developer and not much of a designer unless there is a critical need of it (just takes me longer than a standard designer), any who, I really appreciate complete icon packs (complete in the sense that it can be used for a LOT of applications)…

LEGO Album Covers

I found this Flickr group thanks to woot.com, was browsing the ‘woot-off’ and seen their blog entry, very cool album covers all show using LEGO pieces.  Very cool that they combined a childhood toy with the album covers we’ve all come to love. Check it out here: http://www.flickr.com/groups/lego_album_covers/pool/