Webmojo.ca relaunched!
Woo, well I’m happy to announce that after slaving away on a few dark wintery nights, I have put enough time into building a new version for my consulting company — Webmojo.ca
About Webmojo…
Webmojo is a collaborative effort by skilled individuals, each with their own unique set of skills and area’s of expertise. Our mesh of knowledge & experience allows us to uniquely position our business venture to fit our customers needs.
If you find yourself in need of:
- Managed Web Hosting solution (we take care of it all from the ground up!)
- Website, Email, Calendar, and Collaboration setup for your business
- Web Design / Development
- Custom Web App development (think scheduling system, or order processing…)
- Research in areas of Search Engine Optimization (SEO), how to best position your site for your audience
- Project Management (you’ve got the idea, you need someone to see it through to the end!)
- Content Development (helps with your SEO, also good for keeping your audience coming back).
- Web Marketing
Then look no further, because there’s a team for that.
Marketing pitch aside, there are of course many other things we do, so if you have a web based business problem, feel free to contact us to go over your idea.
Visit Webmojo.ca now!