A3M – A CodeIgniter Account Authentication & Authorization Module Installation

A3M has been updated: http://blog.biernacki.ca/2012/07/a3m-updated-to-latest-codeigniter-v2-1-2-named-pbj/. Please be aware, that this guide is currently outdated. So I became interested in creating a CodeIgniter openid application.  I really like the concept having used StackOverflow so long, that I decided to start looking for a means to do it.  After some searching and…

CMSMadeSimple 1.6.5 – PHP 5.3.0 patch fix

I was installing cmsmadesimple, and ran into an issue where errors were thrown while running cmsmadesimple under PHP 5.3.0 env. Upon checking the Forums, it became clear that cmsmadesimple did NOT yet support PHP 5.3.0 in its 1.6.5 release, that the newer 1.7.0 would address the issue(s).

WebMojo updated!

I took the time to update webMojo today, and it took me about an hour and a half.  I think it looks a hell of a lot better now.  The color scheme has been updated to something that fits really well, also the old banana photo has been replaced in…

PHP Serial Number Generator

I needed to generate roughly 50k unique serials. So I searched the web and found one solution, which I modified slightly and created to fit my needs. Its in PHP and will output a generated comma delimited CSV column1, column2 format (MS Excel will open that up for editing). When…