CMSMadeSimple 1.6.5 – PHP 5.3.0 patch fix
I was installing cmsmadesimple, and ran into an issue where errors were thrown while running cmsmadesimple under PHP 5.3.0 env.
Upon checking the Forums, it became clear that cmsmadesimple did NOT yet support PHP 5.3.0 in its 1.6.5 release, that the newer 1.7.0 would address the issue(s).
I have yet to run into any other issues, but the editcontent.php file was the one that gave me trouble, here is how I fixed it:,36805.0.html
I was able to ‘patch’ this myself by doing the following:open up /admin/editcontent.php
search and replace all get_class(
replace with fix_get_class(add the code below to the top of the editcontent.php file
Code:function fix_get_class($object) { if (is_object($object)) { return strtolower(get_class($object)); } return false; }Keep in mind this is a quick, rough patch. It seems to work just fine for me after the patch, and I have not run into any issues… yet.