Turnigy Bonsai 2020 – Updating my classic wing
This was one of my very first wings that I’ve ever purchased, I think I’ve had it over 5-6 years now. Enjoyed crashing and flying the Turnigy Bonsai more times than I can remember. Always have flown it FPV with older crappy cameras and now to the newer higher quality ones (which made a big difference in enjoyment and visibility of course).
This small flying wing started out as my first “plane build”, and has been very durable. Over the years I’ve been modifying one thing or another, but never gave it a full overhaul. Well last weekend, I decided to wrap the little guy, and get the body back to good stiffness and cleanup the accumulated duct tape and other tape that its been patched with.
I stripped off all the yellow duct tape and flex tape I had and cleaned up the whole wing down to the foam. Then cut off the ailerons and wrapped everything in clear wrap, which makes it feel solid and slick. I then went over the wiring (recalling I had a bit of a cut-out issue), traced the issue to a loose plug on the vTX (some hot glue around that, held it in place and would keep from wiggling).
With all that done, my Bonsai is back in great shape.
Outfitted with:
- 1806 motor, 5×3 prop
- 20 Amp ESC
- FrSky receiver
- 400mw 5.8 vTX w Pagoda antenna
- 2x 9g plastic servos (might upgrade to metal if one of these grinds out anytime soon)
- Foxeer micro cam, perfect quality with OSD for battery voltage and flight time.