iPhone 4s adding a PAUSE into a dialstring, making Skype calls easier for your mobile.
If you are like me and you might have some friends who have extension numbers, or simply use something like Skype local calling (a local number, that you can dial to call international using your skype account), you want to make sure that your cell phone supports complex dial strings.
I keep all my contacts organized on ‘Google Contacts’ and then I’m able to synchronize my iOS devices with my contact list. Its easy to do and just requires some dedicated time to enter everything in.
As I live in the US, I still have many friends (as well as family) in Canada, and that requires me to call ‘international’ (at least what AT&T calls Canada calling…). My skype local setup is quick and easy, and SIRI makes it fun.
I simply setup a phone number for a contact like so:
- Create new phone entry, call it Skype
- Enter my skype number (ex: 734-000-1234)
- I follow that number with a PAUSE character `,` (comma) + a 2 (skype’s 2 means, call a custom number)
- After that 2, I simply enter a Canadian number (ex: 1519-555-1234)
The final solution looks like:
Skype: 734-000-1234,21519-555-1234
And then once my contact is sync’d to the phone, I say “SIRI call [persons name] on Skype”, and obediently SIRI completes the call, and I don’t have to punch in any long strings of numbers.